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P2P Bell Pepper Flakes

P2P Bell Pepper Flakes


Regular price $4.50 AUD
Regular price Sale price $4.50 AUD
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(Capsicum annum)

A sweet and mild flavour.

Bell Pepper Flakes are made from Red Bell Peppers that have been dried and crushed. Originating in Central and South America, Bell Pepper Flakes are a common staple in Latin cuisine where savoury recipes call for sweet instead of heat.

Perfect For: Stews and Soups. Add to mashed potatoes, omelettes and quiches. Use as a garnish or in salad dressings.

Origin: Sourced from far beyond the Wall. Home of terracotta soldiers and fried rice - The People's Republic of China

Ensure Longevity: Store in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight.

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