"For centuries Herbs and spices have been used to provide medicinal and health benefits to humans across the world. Civilisations from the ancient Egyptians, to the Romans, Greeks and Inca have documented these benefits which have continued to hold true to today."

Must Haves For Winter Wellbeing
Turmeric is the most powerful herb on the planet and its benefits are superior to those of conventional medications. Turmeric supplements can be taken in place of antidepressants, anticoagulants, arthritis medications, skin condition treatments, anti-inflammatory medications and cholesterol regulators. Other turmeric benefits include its ability to aid weight loss, treat gastrointestinal issues and ease pain naturally

Cumin seeds come from the herb Cuminum cyminum, which is a member of the parsley family. Cooking with cumin seeds can aid your digestion, boost your immune system, promote the health of your skin, relieve respiratory conditions, promote detoxification, combat oxidative stress, fight infections and prevent diabetes.

Cinnamon is a spice that comes from the bark of the Cinnamomum tree. The compounds found in cinnamon and extracted to make cinnamon oil make this one of the most beneficial spices on earth. Cinnamon health benefits come from its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-diabetic, immune-boosting and heart-protecting properties.

Ginger root is the rhizome of the Zingiber officinale plant that contains 115 different chemical components. It works as a potent antioxidant, reduces inflammation, boosts the immune system, supports digestion, reduces pain and lowers cholesterol levels. Ginger root benefits also include its ability to improve diabetes and reduce arthritis pain.

Garlic grows in the form of a bulb underneath a perennial plant that’s in the same family as chives, leeks, onions and scallions.Garlic fights diseases like heart disease, diabetes and dementia. It can also be consumed to lower blood pressure levels, fight infections and help to reverse hair loss.